+64 21 489 833 chris@edutronic.net

You Choose

Your chance to decide

The decision about the class, course and teacher for you every year is in your hands.

Course Selection

Every year, if you are a student in Years 7-10 at the London Nautical School, you have the opportunity to select your own class. Your English teachers create exciting new programmes at every level, each of which follows a specific line of enquiry. In addition to referring to their experience from previous years, students use this entire site to help them make their decision, and we also create course selection booklets to assist you – these are available on this page.

If you’re interested in how this works – take a look at the outline and explanation on Chris Waugh’s professional journal

Course Selection Booklets

Year 7 Course Selection Booklet
Year 8 Course Selection Booklet
Year 9 Course Selection Booklet
Year 10 Course Selection Booklet

Course selection is now closed for 2016-17.

Contact the Department of English

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