by Christopher Waugh | Jun 15, 2014 | Clubs, Latest News, Showcase
Our school Film Club has been accepted to premiere their film in the Edinburgh International Film Festival on 21-23 June 2014, you can see the film now which is the Film Club’s Final Film Essai, produced after a year-long investigation into the art of the...
by Christopher Waugh | Feb 19, 2014 | Awards, Latest News, Showcase
Welcome to the London Nautical School Department of English Awards for Winter 2014 Every half-term we publish the work of three students whose work deserves recognition here on Edutronic. To follow are samples of the students’ work that their teachers make...
by Christopher Waugh | Apr 11, 2013 | Community, Information, Latest News, Presentations
An insight into the contents of the classroom Edutronic TV is a central store for all the speeches, presentations, teacher lectures, film club output and everything that comes out of the classroom in video form. More and more, partly due to the increasing presence of...
by Christopher Waugh | Aug 23, 2012 | Latest News, Showcase
Brilliant news for our Year 11 students 14% improvement in A*-C grades in the English Language paper These are exciting times for the London Nautical School “Year of 2012” who have exceeded all our expectations and pulled off a 73% pass rate in...