Our school Film Club has been accepted to premiere their film in the Edinburgh International Film Festival on 21-23 June 2014, you can see the film now which is the Film Club’s Final Film Essai, produced after a year-long investigation into the art of the “Long Take”:
Crossed Paths – Short Film
by Christopher Waugh | Jun 15, 2014 | Clubs, Latest News, Showcase | 3 comments

The film is great! The music makes the long shots work – the last shot is lovely. Nice acting too. It’s hard to act and sing! I hope it goes down well in Edinburgh
Hi Theo!
Thanks very much for the good wishes. I was really impressed that the guys decided to sing in the film – and I agree, the sound track is vital to the success of the long takes.
We’ll report back on how it all went.
This film is a great piece of work. Knowing very little about films, I love the contrast between the vast open spaces of urban London and the enclosed spaces of the school environment. It makes for a great aesthetic.
The final shot makes me wonder what happened in that audition room to make him walk by!