As I sit here building these sites for the new school year, and with the building excitement I feel about what is to come (Unheralded engagement and personal growth from the students with whom I work, of course), it occurs to me to ask if there’s anyone out there who wants to join me on the ride.
I don’t have fixed and formal ideas about what I mean by that, either. In the past, collaborators in the learning and enrichment of the students I teach have come from all quarters. You might be a parent or friend who is interested in sharing a talent or passion. You could be another teacher who is thinking in similar ways and is interested in collaborating on one of the projects I’ve got lined up for the year. Maybe you’re member of the wider community looking to make good use of some spare time. Sometimes you might be one of my students, interested in helping each other out.
Whoever you are, though. If you’re looking at these pages and thinking that you’d be interested in collaborating with me, in any form, whether it be from a distance via the internet, or more close to home – I’d be thrilled to hear from you.
Be the change you want to see in the world